Specialized Committees

British house of commons

We here extend an invitation to the British House of Commons! Held in Westminster, London, this house challenges the legislation proposed by and performance of the elected government. Consequently, the House of Commons is central to the endurance of rich political discourse, shouldering the singularly democratic responsibility of sincere ideological diversity amidst ever-burgeoning bipartisan and populist impulses. This year, the house will examine the politics of immigration as it intersects with issues of economy and urban redlining in conjunction with discourses of privilege and institutional power.


During the 1930s, the League of Nations underwent a period of great turmoil and challenges. The precursor to the UN attempted to navigate the tumultuous era before World War II, one filled with a brewing war and countless international crises. Delegates serving as ambassadors in the League of Nations must attempt to maintain its stance on the world stage as a peacekeeping body, beginning with the Italian invasion of the Ethiopian Empire in 1935. The League will have to tiptoe the line of maintaining a position of influence in international politics, without overstepping its bounds and antagonizing powerful nations on the rise.


Welcome one, welcome all to the 2nd 1st ever Constitutional Convention! In 2024, the United States faces rising political polarization, an unfolding climate change revolution, and a variety of social problems spanning the nation. As one of the most prominent figures in modern-day America, each and every one of you has been chosen to make another attempt at truly getting things right. Delegates will be tasked with crafting their very own version of the constitution (in 1787), utilizing their knowledge from the present day, in hopes of changing the history of the nation for the better. They will then be transported to the future, so that they can see the direct results of their constitution, and see what amendments may be needed. Let’s see how you’ll rewrite history, and aim to make the United States truly the land of the free and the home of the brave.

World Food ProgramME

The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian organization, supporting tens of millions through its efforts. Delegates will focus on ensuring and improving the nonprofit's resilience, balancing long-term plans to make famine a thing of the past with the need to respond to pressing crises rapidly. With unprecedented 345 million facing food insecurity, this committee's work is more important than ever!


Senators and other illustrious citizens, the Consuls of the Republic, Marcus Tullius Cicero and Gaius Antonius Hybrida request your immediate presence at the Curia Hostilia to address the threat Rome faces. The malcontent Lucius Sergius Catalina, angered by his defeat in the consular elections two years in a row, has assembled a cohort of unsavory characters to topple the rightful government of the Republic. While Catalina has fled to Etruria to join his army, our Consuls have discovered and arrested his allies within the city. It is the duty of the Senate to decide their fate and to wage a successful campaign on the battlefield—in the name of the Senate and People of Rome!